In total Flat Susan will visit and stay with 36 people before she returns home. Yes, thirty six! That's a lot of travelling for such a tiny person. If you are new to this blog perhaps you should scroll to the very first post so you know more about who she is and what is happening with her. You are welcome to take the button on the right to display on your own blog and we hope you will visit the blogs of the people she has been staying with and leave a kind comment after your reading.


Sunday, 6 September 2015

Flat Susan visits a TV Studio

Flat Susan arrived by special mail, or should that be "female" to visit Rosie when Jenny dropped her off.

Then it was off to work with Rosie - at a TV Studio.

Flat Susan has not only been helping me prepare
for my shows on Create and Craft, she has also been to the Studios meeting the Crew.
Magic Hands - Matt, Georgina and Ben welcomed her. 
Sadly Flat Susan has to be on her way and I know she will enjoy her next port of call - Ali.